Buyers Guide - Free Assistance Offered to Club Members

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Buyers Guide - Free Assistance Offered to Club Members

Postby pertheswede » Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:17 am

There seems to quite a few fizzys appearing on the market recently that have been disguised as more desirable models. i.e. there have been 3 recent fizzys for sale on eBay that have been painted in Popsicle Purple but upon closer investigation are actually Baja Brown models.

This may not have been done on purpose by the vendor but the listings have not made this clear. However it leads me to believe there may be some element of deception going on to maximise the selling price!? :twisted: I have noticed that even after I have pointed out to the vendor that they have a Baja Brown pinstripe fizzy and not a Popsicle Purple, they still don't amend or update the listing to this effect :|

If you are in the market for a fizzy and unsure what to look out for there a plenty of members on here, me included, who will be more than happy to assist you in identifying what you are looking at buying and making sure you are actually getting what is being advertised ;)

The first thing to ask is "What is the frame number?", the Club can then identify the exact model, colour and approximate date of registration for you.

Other factors that will affect the current and future value include:-

* Is there a V5 present (if so does it carry the original Registration Number not an age related one?)
* If there is no V5, does the vendor know the original Registration Number?
* Does the engine number match the frame number?

If in any doubt contact the Club first!
1624 Club Members signed up as of 14-05-2023 :-)
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Re: Buyers Guide - Free Assistance Offered to Club Members

Postby marky » Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:23 pm

per, it might be a good idea to pop a list up as to where the cut off points are for
ss 000101 - ?????? fs1e candy orange 0??????-0?????? popsicle baja pinstripe speed block etc and the rare yellow pinstripe

possibly a list of the fs1ed in yellow, blue fs1e-dx yellow and how many were in baja ? not many i doubt but i know my mate had one and was bought as a baja dx when new
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Re: Buyers Guide - Free Assistance Offered to Club Members

Postby rustyrim » Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:30 pm

Well said Per, good idea Marky.

There are some rogue traders out there.
And yes, there’s an alarming amount of imitation Popsicle Purple’s, as well as other models, out there being sold without the seller having the honesty to say so.
There’s nothing wrong with a ‘bitsa’ 'Frankenstein’ ped- just advertise the fact.
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Re: Buyers Guide - Free Assistance Offered to Club Members

Postby thezedman » Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:49 pm

yes i must agree with you per there has been alot of bikes on ebay that are not what they say they are.some people will be disappointed when they find out exactly what they have got. do your homework first.
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