As a relatively passive member, I still enjoy the banter and the exchange and input from the more knowledgeable and techy I'm sure many others similar do.
I have discovered a small handful of Fizzy owners and enthusiasts very locally to me in Portsmouth area by attendance at a few local motorcycle events over the summer - we are talking about arranging some runs/social activity of our own - any others reading in the near vare are very welcome to make themselves known through this forum and be included...the more the merrier!
At risk of opening any possible 'political problems' of which I am completely unaware but can imagine might exist, the guys I've met seem to 'use ' the other 'non-official' FS1E site more for browsing and input for whatever reasons...I browse both and have had useful and friendly input from both and tried to input in return to both where I can.... it seems 'the other' site does have much more activity and exchanges - I don't know reasons/any possible past politics and don't want to create any trouble!
The comment from Per : 'This website and forum currently costs us £1,500/year (or 150 membership fees) to run and maintain and for the little it is being used you are not getting good value for your money I would suggest.' is not understood on the simple numbers available (appreciating some other costs are obviously involved somewhere) - 422 members x £10 per year = £ cost £1500 etc etc...
For my money, I really enjoy it and would be sorry to see it go - I suppose you'll always get large numbers of passive/low energy input members and a smaller number of much more active jhowever you do things....
Thanks for a great site from me anyway
The 'Ville DX Rider....