Billing Rideout video

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Billing Rideout video

Postby fizzydoctor » Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:28 pm

Here is some of the video from my rear facing camera on my Fizzy from Saturday's rideout :lol:
I seem to have some distortion but you will get the idea of how much fun riding in a pack can be :lol: some of the roads were that bumpy that the camera kept switching off but there is some good stuff there 8)

This first one is waiting for the off while Per trys to get his bike started :roll: a new plug eventually does the trick :)

Finally we are off with only a small incident at the first roundabout :shock:

The second installment :lol:

There is a little more still to come when I get the time I will add it here :D

I think my new piston is well on the way to be run in by now :lol:

Here is the final section of video which ends not long after we had a short stop, which is a shame as there would have been some good stuff on the way back :roll: I think the batteries gave up :cry:
Last edited by fizzydoctor on Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Billing Rideout video

Postby pertheswede » Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:04 am

Fantastic stuff Paul, I didn't even know we had anyone with a video camera filming the ride-outs!! ;) 8-)

Apologies again for the hold up at the start of Saturdays ride-out. A new engine fitted on Saturday night by Flika and Tony did the trick for Sundays ride-out ;) :D :mrgreen: Thanks guys!
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Re: Billing Rideout video

Postby thezedman » Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:54 pm

Great stuff i also did not know it was being videoed at the time. unless your ped did 50+ you were in the smoke haze at the back. :lol: a great result for the charity bike & well done to all involved. had a good time met some new friends & thanks to the fizzy doctor my horn loom arrived this morning. great service :D
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Re: Billing Rideout video

Postby flapinflares » Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:26 pm

:D :D :D brill
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